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Unveiling Covid-19's Patient Zero: Tracing the Origin of the Global Pandemic

  Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic, a devastating worldwide occasion, continues to leave a significant effect on social orders, economies, and medical care frameworks around the world. At the core of this uncommon emergency lies the secret of Patient Zero, the primary archived instance of the novel Covid that ignited the episode. Disentangling the personality and beginning of Covid-19's Patient Zero is fundamental for figuring out the beginning of the infection, working on future pandemic readiness, and propelling general wellbeing reactions. In this article, we dive into the examinations and intricacies encompassing the tricky Patient Zero.   The Quest for Patient Zero: The quest for Patient Zero starts at the focal point of the Covid-19 flare-up - the city of Wuhan, Hubei region, China, in December 2019. Starting reports highlighted a fish market in Wuhan as the plausible wellspring of the infection, as many early cases had associations with the market. In any case, fu